
Dwellers of the Bog | A Mörk Borg Compatible campaign module

Created by The Dungeon's Key

Welcome to Dwellers of the Bog, a Mörk Borg compatible campaign module. Uncover the Bog's ancient and foul secrets, with 5 new classes, 11 dungeons, and much more. Pre-order your copy today!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Status update: Backerkit survey locked soon + VTT news
6 months ago – Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 05:45:15 PM

Backerkit surveys

Hi Everyone,
Back with another brief status update. So far, nearly 92%% of all backerkit surveys have been filled, thank you! If you are a physical backer and haven't completed the survey yet, please do so...without this, I will be unable to ship you your book! Orders will be locked at the end of the month, so if you want to make changes to your pledge level or add-ons, now is the time!

VTT News

In other news, I have made the difficult decision to leverage Roll20 for the free VTT module that we reached as part of our 10K stretch goal. From my research and evaluation, Foundry is a fantastic product, but due to the fact there is a one-time cost for GMs, and Roll20 does not, I wanted to make sure as many of you could enjoy the content online with friends as possible. I know that a few of you had voted for Foundry in the comments, so I do hope you'll understand!

With that out of the way, the Roll20 module development is now underway, and I believe I can have this ready to launch by the time the books are ready to ship!

Proof updates

I've been postponing this update because I've been waiting on the physical proof of Dwellers to come in, but sadly this has been delayed twice by the printer, and now won't be in until May 2nd. Once this has been delivered, I will be reviewing it furiously ahead of the full book order!

As always, thank you for your patience and continued support,

Jean Luc

Status update: Backerkit surveys
7 months ago – Mon, Apr 01, 2024 at 11:34:40 AM


Hey Everyone,
Quick update to let you know that the Backerkit smoke test is going out today, which means the rest of the surveys are just around the corner. We'll use the smoke tests to address any concerns or issues that crop up before sending everything else out, so if there are any delays, it's simply because I'm working on it!

With that said, I strongly encourage each of you to check your spam folders to double check whether or not you've received this. If you're using Gmail, I also recommend checking the "promotions" tab as sometimes the emails are sent there.

If you haven't received your email by the end of the day week, on Sunday April 7th, feel free to comment below or message me directly on discord (assuming I haven't posted another update), and I will be happy assist.

Something is wrong with my pledge

Hopefully that isn't the case, but in the unlikely event that you're having issues with your pledge, or rewards are not listed or are missing, please raise a support ticket with Backerkit to assist.

I need to change my shipping address

Do not fret, I won't be locking addresses for sometime (at least a month), and you will be notified ahead of time prior to locking in orders.

Pre-order store

If you missed the campaign, we'll also be ordering a pre-order store in the next few days. This should show up as a "pre-order" button on the main Kickstarter campaign page!

Printing update

Another quick update regarding the print schedule - everything is still on track. I placed the order for the proof over the weekend and should be receiving this in the next 10-12 days. Once that's been vetted for any imperfections, we'll be sending off the print order!

Thanks again,

Jean Luc @ The Dungeon's Key

Digital Rewards are out!
7 months ago – Wed, Mar 20, 2024 at 03:24:31 PM

Digital Rewards

Hi everyone,
Just wanted to share with you that digital rewards have been sent out! 

Digital rewards include:

  • Dwellers of the Bog PDF
  • Kavlov's Sanctuary 2nd Edition PDF (limited to backers of the Complete Collection tier)
  • Keyed and Keyless maps
  • Three soundtracks (6 tracks total, includes 2 hour long looped versions of each)
  • Printable character sheet PDF

If you are not able to locate the email containing the code / URL to your digital rewards, please check your spam folder as I've seen them block DriveThruRPG emails numerous times. If you still aren't able to locate this, then message me directly in discord with the associated email (see below), or here on Kickstarter.

Bug hunting!

Quick reminder for anyone wishing to help, I've created a Dwellers of the Bog feedback channel in our official discord server for anyone who wants to reports minor typos and grammatical errors, with the possibility of receiving additional character sheets for any major issue or typo identified (first come first serve, while quantities last)

Join the discord here!

Next steps

As I mentioned in my previous update, I'm putting the final touches on the Backerkit pre-order store and survey over the next week or so; i'll be sending it out by the end of the month. You will be permitted to upgrade your pledge tiers to higher tiers and purchase add-ons in the form of other books I have published, additional printed character sheets and/or posters.

I suspect this next phase will take 3-6 weeks, after which I'll be placing the bulk order. I expect printing to take an additional 3-5 weeks, which should put us somewhere in May or June. From there, I'll be locking addresses and shipping will commence.

I'll use my time during those waiting periods to start putting together the VTT integration as well, which I am just now starting to investigate. I keep hearing incredible things about Foundry, so I'm going to be looking at this first, but don't want to promise anything just yet. I'll inform everyone of that decision in a later update :)

Thanks again,

Jean Luc @ The Dungeon's Key

P.S. Sorry for the minor delay in getting this out, just got back from Breakout Con in Toronto - met a lot of cool fans and played a lot of Mork Borg - it was epic! I'll likely be hitting CanGames in Ottawa next, and will also be making an appearance at GenCon later this year!

Group pic after running Gravravore. Half the partner turned on each other in the final, tense moments, it was epic!
R.I.P. Hairu who rolled two natural 1s in an attempt to leap across a bottomless chasm!

Status update: Posters, character sheets, and Breakout con!
7 months ago – Wed, Mar 13, 2024 at 10:13:53 PM

Hi Everyone,

It's been a few weeks since the campaign ended and as promised, I wanted to share a quick status update with you.

I'm excited to share that the posters and character sheets have arrived and look amazing. Unfortunately, after searching far and wide (and having prices switched out on me at the last minute!), I've decided against printing notepads and settled on loose character sheets to keep the cost down for everyone. I'll be bundling these by hand and making extra copies available as an add-on.

For Backerkit, I'm at a point now where everything has been loaded up, with weights and shipping costs added. I'm going to be doing some testing over the next week or so and should be sending out the surveys and opening up the pre-order store by the end of the month.

I'm pleased to share that the first round of proofreading has been completed and that I'll be sending the digital PDFs of both Dwellers of the Bog and Kavlov's Sanctuary by March 24th. I received the final soundtrack, Fenven's Song, yesterday, so I'll be including those MP3s in the download, but I'll send out another update when I release the PDFs with all those details.

For anyone wishing to help, I've created a Dwellers of the Bog feedback channel in our official discord server for anyone who wants to reports minor typos and grammatical errors, with the possibility of receiving additional character sheets for any major issue or typo identified (first come first serve, while quantities last)

Join the discord here!

Lastly, I wanted to let everyone know that I will be attending Breakout Con in Toronto this weekend and have 5 Mork Borg and Cy_Borg games scheduled - if you're going to be attending and would like to meet, get into the discord server and let me know!


Jean Luc @ The Dungeon's Key

Collection status
8 months ago – Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 07:41:44 AM

Hi Everyone,

By now, the majority of funds have been collected, thank you! Unfortunately, for five of you, the collection has failed. In order to receive your rewards, this will need to be rectified.

I urge folks to double check their pledges and payment status, as the collection period will close in a few days, after which it will no longer be possible to collect.

From the official kickstarter documentation:

Errored: The pledge failed to collect upon the project reaching its deadline. When a backer’s payment can’t be collected, we’ll send them instructions on how to fix their pledge and will continue to do so every 48 hours for 7 days. They can also fix their pledge by logging into their Kickstarter account and clicking on the "Fix Payment" banner at the top of the page.


Jean Luc @ The Dungeon's Key